Car and Vehicle Insurance
If you own a vehicle of any kind, you probably know that 3rd party insurance is required by law. However, in the instance of an accident, this means that only the other party or property involved in the collision is covered, leaving you to personally cover the cost of damage to your own vehicle. A comprehensive policy provides the highest level of protection by additionally covering you for the damage caused to your vehicle, meaning you can get back on the road. Third Party Fire and Theft Cover is mid-tier cover which insures your car for the standard third party inclusions but also for theft, fire damage, and other accidental damages.
Car insurance policies can vary widely depending on your vehicle, any non-standard modifications, how often you drive, whether it’s for personal or business use (see Commercial Vehicle also) and whether it is parked or kept in a garage.
GIA can guide you through car insurance policies that include:
- Comprehensive Cover with options such as nominated driver cover, protected no claim bonus and a windscreen extension
- Third Party Property Damage Fire and Theft Cover
- Third Party Property Damage Cover
Good drivers are also rewarded at GIA. Speak to us about a No Claim Bonus, which is a discount on your Comprehensive Car Insurance premium that increases each year you don’t make an at-fault claim. The more consecutive years you remain claim-free, the bigger your discount. Once you reach the policy’s capped number of years, you’ll become what is known as a Rating 1 driver and receive the maximum discounts available on your insurance premium.
At GIA we know a car for some is more than a mode of transport, it is an investment. If you’re thinking about insuring a restored or muscle car, call us today to find the right solution for you.